Best Music Lessons | The Advantages of Multiple Instructors
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
Hello, welcome to another episode of the Curtis Music Academy podcast. I hope you’re all doing well. Today I wanted to talk about the benefits of taking best music lessons from an academy or institution that has a variety of instructors, rather than taking lessons from a single, solo working individual. And there are some fantastic music teachers who run their own business and lessons with themselves as the only instructor. But we believe a core group of instructors offering a variety of lesson structures, setups, types, and ability levels can create a more positive learning experience for the student and a better teaching environment for the instructors.
For starters, it makes logistical sense. Having one location with multiple instructors can reduce some of the costs associated with offering lessons. And cutting down on some of the logistical costs of having and maintaining a quality studio space, especially when multiple instructors can have lessons in a single space if the lessons are scheduled for different days or times can help reduce the out of pocket costs students or their families must pay to receive instruction, which is always a good thing. Additionally, because a place like Curtis Music Academy has several different studio spaces (and different types of studios), multiple students from the same household can receive best music lessons at the same time.
This can be especially helpful in the case of families with small children who are taking lessons, as it can be incredibly hard to make a small child sit still while they’re waiting for their sibling to finish their lesson. If both children can receive instruction at the same time, And, this also reduces the total amount of time one family must commit to getting their children to and from their lessons. It also increases the range of times at which lessons can be offered. Having multiple instructors with different schedules means that there is an instructor who can meet with a student at just about any time they desire.
So, this benefits the students as they are able to find a time for their best music lessons that is most convenient for them and the least disruptive to their existing schedule, which can help them enjoy their experience more, if they aren’t having to sacrifice another activity they enjoy doing. And it benefits the music academies because they are able to increase the number of students, they are able to accommodate the schedules of, and the number of students they can maintain at one time.
Additionally, it provides a unique flexibility in the way a student’s best music lessons are conducted. Because all instructors will have a different teaching style and lesson format, while Curtis Music Academy absolutely tailors each lesson to the individual student and their goals, if for some reason the pairing of instructor and student just isn’t working, there are alternative instructors the student can transition to, rather than having to restart the search for an instructor and relocate to a completely different institution.
Another great benefit to having multiple instructors offering their various best music lessons in one centralized location is that it exposes students to the learning and progression of others. They are able to see the accomplishments of other students in best music lessons, and the pieces they are mastering, whether these students play the same instrument with the same instructor, or if they have completely different musical goals with another instrument. Firstly, additional musical exposure is a positive value add to the musical education and advancement of any student.
Secondarily, getting to witness the musical triumphs of others can serve as a great reinforcer and motivator to students to want to achieve and surpass all of their own musical goals and milestones. So, choosing to attend a music school or academy that has a larger population of both students and instructors can actually create a difference in the musical experience of the student, not just impact the timing and style of the lessons. And having a larger and more vibrant community of individuals invested in the learning and advancement of music can have a positive impact on the learning experiences of individual students, whose accomplishments are then witnessed by other students, and it just creates a really great positive feedback loop within the student community.
A final advantage to a music learning institute with multiple instructors is the unique ability it provides instructors to observe different teaching situations and techniques, and add these to their own toolbox of ideas and methods that they are able to use in different situations when it would be most helpful to students’ best music lessons. Instructors who are able to observe and hear about the experiences of other teachers are far less likely to get caught in some of the pitfalls that often befall instructors who choose to go it alone in their teaching. Namely, instructors at an academy are less likely to become caught in a run of one set way of teaching, regardless of the age, ability, or goals of the student.
Just like in academic education, the same best music lessons and methodology will not be successful for every student, and if an instructor is inflexible in how they are able to teach and present material, a larger number of students will not receive the most effective teaching techniques. Instructors who are able to lean on and watch each other for new and innovative ways to teach certain areas, or approach certain situations, are able to create a more inclusive, tailor-build experience for students that caters more closely to all of their specific needs in instruction, where they are starting in their music education, and their eventual goals for their experience with their instrument, and all of the milestones they are hoping to hit en route to those eventual goals they have.
In conclusion, a music-teaching institution that is able to offer multiple instructors of various styles and backgrounds has decided advantages over learning from an individual, self-run instructor. A wider variety of lesson times and teacher styles are able to be offered, there are benefits to the students of being able to witness the musical journeys and advancement of the other students at an academy, and instructors who have coworkers with whom they are able to interact, brainstorm, and observe will have more varied teaching techniques and ideas available, and will thus be able to create a more personalized experience for each student, more closely molded to what that individual student desires and demands in their best music lessons.