Best Piano Lessons | The Importance of Music Theory
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
Everyone is doing amazing. I know we’re doing super great here at Curtis Music Academy. Everything is opening back up. It’s also springtime and the flowers are blooming and we are ready to just jump right into summer time and into the swimming pool as well. That said, I wanted to talk about something a little bit different today. And I wanted to talk to you about the importance of learning music theory, which is one of the many things that we offer instruction in at Curtis Music Academy.
So why is music theory so important? If you’ve ever considered getting into the music world or if you are already in the music world and your best piano lessons, you know already that music theory is important for the best piano lessons. But if you are thinking about getting into music and you know, you’ve just done a little bit of research, you’ve probably heard this argument. Do you need to know music theory to make music? Well, a lot of people say, no, you don’t need to know music theory to make music.
And a lot of people say, yes, you absolutely need to know music theory in and out to make music. And they’re both right, really to make music. You don’t really have to know music theory. You can learn simple chords and you can just play what sounds good to your ear. But if you want to make good music, I think it’s important to know a good chunk of music theory and best piano lessons. Take this metaphor.
For example, if you were going to build a house just for fun and you went to build the house and you just bought a bunch of bricks and a bunch of mortar and you didn’t have the blueprints, you didn’t know where the bricks went, and you didn’t even know if you should dig a hole to build a foundation inside of or build the foundation on top of the land.
Is the land strong enough? You don’t have any data at all on how you’re going to get this house built. Can you build the house still? Sure. You could still build this house. Is it going to be pretty? And is it going to be perfect? And is it going to be functional? You might argue it could be functional. Yes. But let’s just say that it wouldn’t measure up to a professional or even an amateur who had the blueprints and knew what the plan was and what they were going to build. Another thing that would make blueprints better than not having blueprints is that it would just be easier, right? It would be better because you wouldn’t have to wonder what to do.
You would have it all laid out in front of you and you would say, OK, I know this brick goes here, so I’m just going to put it there. And you wouldn’t even have to second guess. This is the rack, really the right spot for a brick. In the same way learning music theory can make best piano lessons 10 times easier ten times to 100 times easier, because if you’re trying to figure a song out, you don’t even have to wonder because you know where that brick goes or you know what that note is and where that best piano lesson goes.
Which brings me to my next point. When you know, music theory, even just a little bit of music theory, it helps improve your ear and your ability to hear things and just know what they are. So, for instance, if you found a song or heard a song on the radio. That you really wanted to be able to play and you didn’t know what the chords were. You didn’t know what the melody was.
And you didn’t know anything about the song. The cool thing about knowing music theory is that you could hear this song on the radio. Go sit down with your instrument. And if you knew the proper amount of music theory, you could just begin to play by ear. Ten times easier than you would be playing by ear. If you didn’t know music theory, that is another big difference is the quality in playing by not just sheet music or tabs or anything that it takes for best piano lessons. But the quality of playing by ear is also increased by learning music theory because you now know the relations between all these notes and all these chords. You know how they are related and you know what relationship they are in.
This is the majority of what we learn when we learn music theory is we learn relationships of notes and what they’re doing. That is the core. So if you are serious about making music or best piano lessons or even if you’re not serious about it and you just want to make it as a hobby, I would highly suggest that you take on and learn the necessary amount of theory for your goal so that you can reach that goal quicker, because I guarantee you with theory knowledge, your goal will be cut in at least half the process and time.
It takes you to create a song or figure a song out will be cut in half. This is really useful if you value your time just as much as we do here at Curtis Music Academy. Another reason we highly suggest you look into learning music theory is because if you have already been experimenting with music and you kind of hit a block or a wall, that might be a sign that it’s time for you to take it to the next level and pick up the phone and call Curtis Music Academy and schedule your one dollar lesson and ask for lessons in your instrument, piano, guitar, whatever it is with a focus in music theory.
This will push you up and over that wall that you have been hitting. I know for a lot of people that work in creative or enjoy creative outlets can hit a roadblock or a writer’s block or whatever it may be that prevents them from creating.
Sometimes what we need is we need something new in the mix. Imagine that an artist never painted with the Color Purple and they were hitting a roadblock and all of a sudden this color purple was thrown into the mix. And think about what that would do for the artist. It would spark up new creativity and he would think of all the things he could use the Color Purple for. Or even if it was just a mixing of different colors that created a new color that inspired in the same way, when we learn music theory, we learn to look at best piano lessons in a different way.
And I think that’s people’s biggest fear sometimes in learning music theory is that not only is it a daunting task, but you also will see music in a different way. You’re going to deconstruct it and you’re going to know all the notes and you’re going to know the relations and you’re going to know everything. And it’s going to totally disenchant music for you. But let me tell you this. From my experience, it does not disenchant you from music.
It deepens the enchantment that music has already had on you. One of the reasons we love music here at Curtis’ Music Academy is because you could spend your entire life studying the best piano lessons and you would still learn something new about it every day.
We still learn something new. And you would still be progressing and growing in your musical journey. And we hope that you will join us in that journey. So if you’re ready to learn. Call us up. We’re ready for you. We’re excited. Hope to see you soon.