Drum Lessons Tulsa | How to Initiate Effective Lessons
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
And this edition of the Curtis music Academy podcast, we are going to be discussing how you can have the most effective, time, the most effective lesson, out of all of your drum lessons Tulsa. And so we will go into depth on the methods that I use when going about teaching a student, but mainly we are discussing how you can be most effective in your drum lessons Tulsa. Without further ado, my name is Steven. I’ve been a music instructor for five years, going on six years now. I’m in my career so far. I’ve been a music instructor at the Curtis music Academy for one whole year and I’ve loved every moment of it.
It has been incredible. I’ve learned so much, that I would not have learned on my own and I am so thankful for the experience I’ve had thus far and expect to learn more, this time. And so, we are discussing today how to maximize the effectiveness of your drum lessons Tulsa with your students. So as far as effectiveness goes, when you are effective, you are using the most of your time, resources and words. When it comes to drum lessons Tulsa. And to do that, you’ve got to be prepared. So that is my first point is preparation. Preparation breeds luck. So being prepared is the same, is really what enables us to have luck.
And then we’re going to talk about how communication is key. And then lastly, we’re going to talk about execution. Cool. So preparedness, breeds look. So anytime I hear, Oh man, that guy’s so lucky, I think, Oh yeah, that guy must be really prepared. That guy must be very, very prepared for her drum lessons Tulsa. Or man, she was so lucky on that test. She got so lucky in passing that test. Well, I like to say, Oh man, well she was probably just very, very prepared. She was definitely prepared. And so I kind of replace, thanks to clay Clark who helped me kind of understand that he is the number one business coach in Tulsa, Oklahoma and has the number one podcast in the U S for business.
And he definitely talks about preparedness and how that also is what creates luck as well. And so I would get some of those ideas from him. Just to source that and cite that real quick. But, being will breed luck. So what do we need to prepare? That is a great question to ask yourself. Going into, your first lesson with a student is what do you need to have prepared or not even just your first student or a student that is coming on for the dollar lesson, it’s your first time meeting them. You know, you’re kind of planning on what to teach them in their very first lesson. This really will go for any lesson. These are kind of just principles to kind of apply to kind of eliminate problems in your drum lessons Tulsa.
And so being prepared will breed luck. If you’re prepared, then you know that you have a greater chance of succeeding in drum lessons Tulsa than not succeeding, right? If I prepare for my lesson, well I know that I’ll at least have a lot of content to bring to the table as opposed to not enough content. So over-preparing and over-preparing is very good. However, we want to stay just prepared. And then, you know, if you get the inclination that you might need to over-prepare, then that is also a win. And so preparedness, braids, luck. What are some things that we need to prepare? We will need to prepare the documents that we will be showing the student or leaving them with after the drum lessons Tulsa. Preparing those documents is very vital for drum lessons Tulsa.
Preparing how we’re going to say what we’re going to say, what we’re going to explain, what we’ll demonstrate, what we will kind of how we’ll assist them through what we just demonstrated. And then lastly, how we will fully do a transfer of skill. Those are all key points. Those are all key things that we will need to know how to do. And that you’ll need to think about before going into the lesson like a day, two, three days before you go into the lesson, or really as soon as you know, begin preparing. Okay? So once you’ve prepared what you’re going to have, what you’re going to display, what you’re going to talk about, your, you’re preparing the content, you’re preparing the delivery, you’re preparing for the lesson, material stuff, communication, what do you, what’s gonna be said and when, then you’re going to have to communicate it.
Communication is key, because if you can’t communicate what it is that you want to say or what you want to get across, that is going to be ineffective. So it’s vital, really it’s key. My next point was about vitality, but communication is key too. Getting understanding for your student to have understanding and then build knowledge and then build kind of wisdom on when to use things and when not to. And so communication, you want to always ask yourself, and this is kind of the method by which I filter thoughts is what do I want? What do I want them to know? How do I want them to feel and what do I want them to do? So communication is three things. It’s knowing, feeling, and doing.
Those are the three categories that will help you kind of filter your thoughts as when, when approaching a new student, for your lesson. Lastly, what I wanted to discuss is the execution and how execution is vital, how you execute it and the execution comes with the time, the tangible time part, and you want to execute your communication and your, your content and all, everything that you’ve prepared up to this point within a certain amount of time. Be sure to first address how much time do you have? How much time do you have?
And kind of address that point there. Is it, you know, 15 minutes, is it 30 minutes, 45 an hour? Is it two hours? You know, and then kind of using the most of that time based on their goals, you want to, you know, have a good solid understanding of what it is that their, their goals are and what they’re wanting to achieve. And then that kind of drives every, everything that’s the bullseye that we’re trying to hit. And so it’ll kind of laser focus everything. So that everything has meaning. So really having a goal starts, everything starts with a goal. God had to start with a goal.
Everything starts with a goal. When you prepare, you can then communicate what you prepared and what you’ve done. Having excellent execution is what I like to just call, you know, management. And we, we need to develop good management skills as far as the time goes. One is going to be arriving on time and then spending the time wisely. And then lastly, ending on time, which is something I’m constantly working at even as we speak with my students. And then, from there execution. So you know, how, how’s your intro in my intro, and this is just kind of a schematic of what I do is in the beginning I spend 10 minutes building rapport or in the first 10 minutes I’m building rapport. I’m giving a preview of what we’re going to learn today.
Then we review what we learned last and then we, I kind of wreak, refurbish or kind of just re help, you know, do whatever it is that needs to be addressed. There’s a specific word I’m looking for and that word is, let me see if I can find that word real quick. As I click on a lesson and then we will get to roll in here. So that is going to be refined. So we’re going to refine whatever it is that needs to be addressed. Maybe they don’t understand where their finger needs to be at this point or what the timing was like, maybe they forgot.
And so that’s really key to understanding how to be most effective. So I spent 10 minutes, I have a 10 minute intro rapport. I built it for a two minutes preview. What we’re gonna we’re gonna learn today or what’s gonna happen today for two minutes, review for 10, two minutes, and then refine for four minutes. And then I state the objective today. Today, we’re going to be learning Blackbird by the Beatles, you know, and then the let, based on how much the lesson, how long the lesson is, it might be 15 minute,content time or, or even 45, for an hour. But I explain, demonstrate guide, and.