Guitar lesson in Tulsa | Why Music Theory is Important
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
Music theory is something that is absolutely, very important when you are taking a guitar lesson in Tulsa. One of the most beneficial things about music theory is the fact that you can understand what notes sound very good with other notes in a given scale. So if you are familiar with scales you will understand that in the key of e you aren’t going to be using four different sharps and those sharps are f sharp, c Sharp, d sharp and g sharp and those four sharps will sound great in the key of e. Now if you are unfamiliar with the way that major scales work, you could potentially accidentally play a wrong note and this is something that helps players to play correct notes instead of consistently making incorrect choices when it comes to playing notes. Another thing that music theory is going to help you with as you are taking guitar license is it will help you understand chords as well.
Major chords and minor chords are essential for playing music. Now, not every single song is going to use a minor chord. Not every single song is going to use a major chord, but these songs that are exclusive to one sonority of chords is so small that it’s almost not even interesting to talk about. So if you think about the way that major and minor chords are structured, you have three major chords and three minor chords in any given major key. So, and because there’s three major chords and three minor chords, most songs are gonna use some sort of combination of major and minor chords. When you’re in your guitar lesson in Tulsa, the interesting thing about this, however is that if you were in a major key, the way that these chords are in relation to each other, there are four chords that are going to be used much more frequently than the other courts. In fact, there are seven different chords that you could choose from with out going into a different set of notes from a different major scale. And if you are playing these chords, we could number the courts based on the note that they are in the scale. So let’s just put ourselves into the key of c really quickly because the key of c uses zero flats or sharps. Every single note that’s in the key of c is the name of the note, f, g. A, c. D. It doesn’t matter because all of these notes are no longer flat or sharp. So because of this, we have key signatures to help us.
So, C would be the very first chord in the key of c, so we’ll call that the one chord. If we structure a chord centered around d, then that court is the to court. We could continue on and number these chords as they show up in the c major scale and what we end up having is a one chord, which is major. We have a two chord, which is minor. We have a three chord, which is minor. We have a four chord, which is major. The five chord is major, the six chord is minor, the seven chord is diminished, and if we continue on, we start right back to where we left off, which was the c chord, which leads back to one. This is vital during your guitar lesson in Tulsa.
The thing is we have four chords that sound very good together and these four are the one chord, the four chord, the five chord, and the six chord. And the reason that these four chords sound really good together is through something called a cadence. And cadences have been around since the beginning of music really began to be implemented in the classical era or perhaps even the Baroque era, 16 hundreds and one of the most common cadences
is when it goes from the one chord to the four chord to the five chord. And then back to one. The five chord really typically leads back to one. And so knowing music theory, if you are playing a set of chords
and you are in the middle of your guitar lesson in Tulsa, you will begin to notice that a set of chords helps determine which key you are in. So if the chord structure is f g c then you are without a doubt in the key of c because that would be the four chord followed by the five chord, which leads to the one chord. So because of this, it’s actually very easy to help identify which key you are in. And if you end up playing a flat B flat followed by e flat, then you are without a doubt in the key of e flat. And the reason for that is because that would be the forecourt, the five collared followed by the one court. So using these chords and the understanding of music theory, it is going to help you understand which chords sound good together. And also if you have a set of chords that you’re already using, it will help you to play in the correct key. So music theory is very helpful. Now let’s say you want to play a solo. If you are interested in getting to a place where you can solo and play many different notes on a set of chords,
then music theory is going to help you get there. Music theory is going to help you when you are playing in the key of c and the chord is d minor. There’s three notes that create the d minor chord. Those notes are f a and of course d. So we’ve got D, F and a and these three notes are basically your home base when you’re selling, knowing if, if the chord is just a d minor chord that they’re playing, then you’re going to want to use these three notes to structure your solo around. However, when you’re in your guitar lesson in tulsa, if you only play three notes in your solo, you will likely sound pretty lame. Also, you’re solo is not going to sound very good. But if you use those three notes as your home base, then any other note that you play, assuming it’s in the correct key, any other notes that you play while sounded great and what you need to do is just make sure that you end up staying on the F and a as you lead out of it. So the chords that you use are going to help you to sell though. But most of the time, so Lowe’s travel between many different courts.
So if you are playing, he’s Solo, chances are they’re going to use four different chords or maybe even more depending on the genre of music that you’re playing. If you are playing jazz, they’ll be going through four chords in a single measure. Whereas if you’re playing a solo for a country song, the probably only going to play for courts throughout a 16 bar so low. So it just kind of depends. But you want to structure your solo around the chords that are being played underneath your solo for the background music. And that’s something that music theory will be very important with as you continue to take a guitar lesson in Tulsa because you don’t want to be a lame solo player. You don’t want to be a guitar player that doesn’t know how to understand music. You really do want to be able to utilize the information that has been given to you.