Guitar Lessons in Tulsa | Music Theory
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
In this third edition of the Curtis Academy podcast, our topic for the day, it’s going to be guitar slash music theory. And so today let’s talk about music theory. What is music theory? Music theory is the, and I’m going to read a definition from the good old dictionary. You can always count on the dictionary to, um, tell you exactly what something means. So, you know, a theory is something that is, there’s proof of it are, there’s, there’s evidence that there isn’t necessarily.
Yeah, it’s, you know, it’s out there, but it hasn’t been proven to many times. And so, um, here we go theory as a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct. That can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for our class of a phenomenon. Yeah. And um, music. Okay. Ideally, hypothetically. I particular concept or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it. A system of rules and principles.
Yeah. Contemplated contemplation or speculation. The theory that there is life on other planets. So we know this, but we’ve done maybe not necessarily experienced this. And so anyways. Nonetheless, in my opinion, music theory is not a theory because it is proven, proven, proven, proven, proven. So music theory, we’re on the topic of music theory. Music theory is those, the knowledge of the applicable notes, the connections between notes and chords and it’s kind of the science behind what makes music music, the tangibles, the how behind the sounds that you hear. That to me is what music theory is. Music theory is the information, the applicable information or instructions to go about playing said sound said music said peace said sounds plural.
And so my first topic obviously was music theory, but my first point is what is it? Music. There is just the how behind the what you hear. And so this can be anywhere from scales. Two chords which are derived from scales can be the way in which we understand how to get certain notes. We have scales, we have scaled patterns, we have major, minor diminished patterns. We’ve got modes which are more in depth. We’ve got rules, we’ve got measurements, we’ve got numbers. It’s kind of the language that we’re working with. The letters that were working with that to me is music theory. And so secondly, my next point is just going to be, you know, the guitar lessons in Tulsa get to what his guitar lessons in Tulsa theory, Guitar lessons in Tulsa Theory, um, or what I like to call string theory because really any of the string instruments will have the same theory, the same music theory, the same music principles. And so what I love about the strings is that they evoke emotion. That is what the strengths do. Anytime you listened to a guitar lessons in Tulsa or piano, which is a string instrument, also percussion or even violin or viola or fiddle or base or electric guitar lessons in Tulsa,
Banjo, harp, any of these instruments will have strings on them. And so the string theory is very, very similar. You have the same string alphabet, which I believe is the language letters to be begin creating words or sentences, which w words we see as chords and then sentences, we see a songs. And so in my opinion, guitar lessons in Tulsa theory is exact same as any of those instruments. I just announced our pronounced previously. And so what I love about guitar lessons in Tulsa theory is I can try to theory is very simple. Um, what I love about guitar lessons in Tulsa general is that is very simple. It’s a, it’s a very mobile instrument. You don’t have to pick it up and haul it. You just pick it up, literally pick it up and haul it on your back or you know, carry it in a case. It’s something that can be mobile with you. Therefore you can take it anywhere you go. And then another reason why I love guitar theories that it’s, it’s very simple and it’s, it’s very, uh, applicable to all of those string instruments that I had said previously.
Yeah. Guitar theory is really string theory and so it’s going to be similar to any other string instrument that you play. So string theory is those things, those topics that help you learn how tangibles to create sounds, certain sounds and certain wavelengths. And so string theory involves vibration, involves percussion, and in it involves tuning and understanding the increments or the measurements in between wavelengths that make certain sounds, sound good with other sounds.
And so what I love about string theory is that is universal. A lot of the same string theory that you see in other countries is the same that you will see in America. And so, uh, an example of string theory would be the alphabet across the board with all string instruments. It’s going to range from a to a sharp B to c, c to c sharp, c sharp to d, d to d sharp, d sharp, two e e to f, F to f Sharp, f sharp to g, G to g sharp, g sharp to a and that is where you hit your octave. An octave is what we call when, and note is one letter such such as a and say it’s lower, it’s a low a and let’s say the next day that you approach moving forward is a higher age, but they’re the same letter, just two different pitches.
What we call pitches. A pitch is something that is a noise. Basically it’s a noise that has made, it’s a specific noise that is made. And so those two, even though they have different pitches or they’re 12 half steps, we say in between each other, that is what marks the octave when you have 12 half steps in between them in between the same letter. So that is an octave. That’s just one example. Another example would be a scale. A scale is a set of notes that are chosen to play or to begin the process of arranging chords. To make an any court, you have to have a specific scale. A specific scale will enable you to select nodes individually to create what we call triads. A triad is a three note formula, which which enables or which implies that there is a one, a three and a five. There are a total back to scales. There are are a total of seven notes and in those seven nodes, three are selected. The first, the third and the fifth that is called a triad. There are major triads, minor diminished triads, augmented triads, suspended. Try as those are all the triads that we use, all the formulas that we use to create certain cords along with letters. The letter, the numbers, sorry. The numbers are referring to the number in the scale. So if there’s an a too, there’s another B note in that scale that is applied to that cord. So triads are great. Piano. Piano is going to be the exact same as guitar. The only difference between guitar and piano when you play them is that they are played at differently. Piano is played Lynard, linear linearly guitar has played with the left hand. And so these are what I love about music. Um, what about what I love about music theory and it’s just awesome to teach. And so just in essence, you know, we know that guitar theory is the how behind the, what you hear, the good. And also my other two points is what does guitar theory and what does piano theory, and in essence, they are the exact same.