Guitar Lessons In Tulsa | Having Patience

This content was created for Curtis Music Academy


This topic is going to be about having patients in and through the process. And so without further ado, my first point is going to be about setting the track and setting or setting the path for your student. And then making that path fun with exciting new curve balls in thrown in there. Third point, the baby steps to success and how it’s important to kind of make little wins in addition to big wins. And then my fourth point is how little wins win ultimately. So awesome. Without further ado, setting the track. We’re setting the path for your student. Once you have gathered all the information


that you feel like you need about their goals, once you really, it really clicks with you what they’re trying to achieve by taking guitar lessons in Tulsa, it’s important that you begin to kind of begin customizing and creating that second, that next lesson. And it’s important right here with the next lesson that you are very particular and very, very, very cautious, not cautious, but very in intentional with what you’re going to teach them. And maybe thinking not only with what you’re gonna teach them next, but thinking about the entire process that you’re going to take them on the path that you’re going to take them on the journey that they’re going to come, they’re going to go with you on a Curtis music Academy.


 And so this the first lesson after the first lesson, you know, when you revisit what you, where you left off with this particular student, it’s important that you really take at least, you know, 20 to 30 minutes to really think about what the next year should look like for know, and maybe even breaking down that year and two months and then from months into weeks and from weeks into the day of their lesson and kind of the full track that you’re going to be teaching them on, to kind of get them towards their goal. You know, kind of just having like a schedule for them, that they can maybe even look at and start to see like, Hey, this would be great for me to, to follow. Maybe you could print it out that path for them.


And, say, Hey, this is where we’re going and this is kind of where I think you could be by this time. And this is kind of just the track record. This is kind of where we’re going. And so having the printed out for them and kind of giving them a visual of maybe, you know, it’s kind of seeing where their skills can literally be in a year is going to be a great thing. And so, yeah, that’s kinda just about setting the path, setting the track, kind of breaking down that goal into maybe a year or maybe a year, six months or however long you feel like they’re thinking about taking guitar lessons in Tulsa is actually good and knowledge.


 Now that I think about it, it might be good for you to ask them how long did they see themselves taking guitar lessons in Tulsa, you know, and then trying to hit that goal within that time frame or even sooner, sooner than that timeframe. If someone’s wanting to stay for only six months, but you developed a plan to reach their real great goal within like a year, that’s not very fun. You know, that’s not very high, didn’t give them much incentive. And so you want to kind of reach their goal in the set amount of time or definitely sooner is always a great option. And so, yeah, and then you want to make the path kind of fun, you know, make it exciting.


 You want to kind of throw in there some curve balls, throw in there some cool songs that you can play that they can play with you. some, some exercises, some games maybe like a guitar hero or something like that, you know, using their fingers to kind of help them stay, you know, lubricated with their, with their fingers, kinda stayed loose and rust free with their fingers, you know, giving them some finger exercises, things like that.Maybe doing some note addresses as a game that I kind of created and came up with where I will, you know, call out a note and I have that student search for that note on a particular strain or any strain or I’ll say a note and they locate three at a time. 


You know, this kinda helps them keep their, you know, their, their chops up when it comes to knowing where the notes are on the fretboard and it kind of allows them to develop some confidence in their own ability to find the notes and reassure them that man, you do know this instrument a little bit better than you think you might know it, you know. And so that’s one thing that you can definitely do. And I’d say, you know, depending on where they’re at already, kind of just tailoring the games that you want to kind of create or, or just, apply and, and kind of using the kind of just being conscious of where they’re at as you add games and as you add exercises, as you add fun into the guitar lessons in Tulsa, some curve balls, you know, just taking into consideration where they’re at.


That way they don’t feel overwhelmed by the game or overwhelmed or, you know, cause the whole point is to have fun, right? The whole point of that is to have fun and keep, keep them enjoying guitar lessons in Tulsa. And so, next is going to be just about how baby steps to success is really important. Yeah, it’s important that, you know, we break down guitar lessons in Tulsa as best as we can when it comes to our students. We want to break them down so far or so much to where a fifth grader could do it or a third grader or a five year old really could understand. 


This is actually a really good point to talk about because I feel like that’s most of teaching actually is breaking things down to its most simplest component. It’s its most simple it to where it cannot be broken down anymore and get in, communicate that point, that nugget that you’re trying to get across.Which is part of a bigger topic, right? Iin guitar lessons in Tulsa, For instance, if they’re trying to learn rhythm, you know, rhythm can be a very complicated subject to teach. But if it’s broken down into what this note value is, you know, what is, how long does a quarter note hold out?


 How long does a whole note, you know, hold out for how many beats does it an eighth note? Half? How many beats do you know 16th knows, have, you know, and then saying, you know, go ahead and tap hole notes for us, a whole note and just on your lap. And then how about we tap out for half beats, you know, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Right? And just kind of breaking it down into what notes kind of have certain beats, you know, that way when it comes time to read music or read beats, they kind of understand what they’re looking at. And then with guitar, when it comes to just different notations, understanding time signatures, you know, starting with very basic time, four, four time or six, eight time, you know, just kind of breaking it down, breaking rhythm down into simpler parts.


 That way you can effectively communicate the idea and the concept of rhythm. And so this will help your students in the long run. This will help you pretty much anytime and every time how you use it. Little wins create big wins. It’s important to have those little wins so that they can ultimately get to the one big win. Right? We could look at this on many different levels. We could look at this on the level of their grand scheme goal, their overall goal, which is maybe to sing at the talent show or guitar lessons in Tulsa. Right? And then we could break that down into, okay, let’s, how many songs do you want to do for the talent show?


One or two if they want to do two songs. Okay, well let’s learn this first song first and then the second song next. Okay. And let’s break that one song, the first song down into, components that you can kind of learn quickly. So you know, so that you can learn the song quickly and then, and then begin to unravel the song parts. You know, why the song sounds the way it sounds, what key it’s in. What time signatures and why this trim pattern is like this, you know, what that strap and the drum pattern kind of crates, you know, how did we create the sound of a S of a, of a Palm Ute, you know, they’re using Paul means in the song. This is how we do it, you know? And understanding kind of the, the functionality, the, the, the behind the scenes of the song in guitar lessons in Tulsa as well as the scene of the song is going to be really, really helpful. It kind of just creating markers or milestones to kind of help them feel like they’re accomplishing things. So little wins creates a big ones. Thank you guys.