Guitar Lessons in Tulsa | Proving Amazing Resources for Guitar Lessons
This Content was created for Curtis Music Academy
Creating documents for our students is a huge part of what we do at Curtis Music Academy. And while we create these documents, one of the most important things that we think about is professionalism and presentation. And the whole thing about creating these documents is that we want our students to not only receive the information that is necessary to accomplish the goal or accomplish the song, we want to present the information in such a way that when the student receives the document, they are blown away at the effort, at the professionalism. And at the presentation of the document, one of the best examples of this is in the most recent week, we have a group guitar lessons in Tulsa course, and this course goes through and we introduce new songs for these students. And one of the things that is really awesome about it is that not every single one of the students is in the exact same place in their musicianship.
And so some of the students are very much beginner. We have a couple other students in the group that are late, intermediate, and then we have a couple other students that are right in the middle. And the cool thing about this course is that there’s always something for each and every individual to work on. And so in the most recent guitar lessons in Tulsa this week, Curtis Music Academy created a document of a John Mayer Song taught slow dancing in a burning room. And this song was a great song to introduce new content while going through and ensuring that the most novice of our students and the most advanced of our students would have something to work on for that week.
So with that being said, it was a great time to go through and introduce this song. However, this document, Curtis Music Academy decided to put a little bit more emphasis on some of the details and just making the document look really nice and stand out, but in a subtle way. And the very first thing that one of our students said when you walked in the door and saw the document was, wow, what program did you guys use to make this document? You want to ensure your documents look profession for the guitar lessons in Tulsa. And that’s great. It’s awesome that they are noticing that it looks very well thought out. It looks great. It looks as though we put in the time to prepare for the lesson as opposed to just handwriting a song. And the thing about it is there is nothing wrong with handwriting a song.
And in fact prior to about six months ago we pretty much did exclusively that. We just hand wrote our songs, nothing too extreme about the documentation, nothing to standoutish. We simply provided the information that they needed at the moment and presented it in a way that would be effective for the lesson. However, we have found that the small amount of preparation that is required for guitar lessons in Tulsa to create and pump out these amazing resources, it goes a long way and students are so appreciative of exactly what we are doing to present those documents in the midst of their guitar lessons in Tulsa.
So with that being said, it is so important that visually the documents are pleasing, they are thought out and all of the necessary information is right where they can find it on the page and they don’t have to go through and worry too much about anything. They can just look at it, see that it looks nice and move forward with learning the song. And that’s exactly what we want. We want to see our students succeed. We want to see our students grow and exponential rate. And even if it is a little bit difficult flying off of the ground as soon as they take off, they will continue to learn and have a phenomenal experience with their guitar lessons in Tulsa. And this is something that we want to see each and every one of our students as they see the documentation that they will be receiving that week, we want them to say, wow, that is awesome. I love this song. That’s what we want them to say.
with that being said, one of the things that we do at Curtis Music Academy is start is start all of our documents from scratch. We don’t use templates, we don’t use other schools resources. We create our own. And most recently we needed a document for a guitar fretboard that outlined the g major scale. And because we were starting on the g major scale, we wanted to provide an awesome experience for our students and we needed to create a document that had the g major scale on the fretboard with each of the dots that showed where we would place our fingers if we wanted to play the g major scale on the guitar and we started from a fret board from scratch. This was created specifically for this students’ guitar lessons in Tulsa. We didn’t use any fret board that was out there. We created all of the lines. We went through and added in all of the colors and all of the notes.
We included circles for the dots on the notes and it was a great experience. It was a very enjoyable process because we know that these documents will go far in helping our students to succeed as they take guitar lessons from us and that is so important. It is important that our students are able to be provided with the resources that are necessary to help them to grow. Many instructors, well simply outline what it is that students should be learning, but they don’t provide them with the visual or the tangible resources to back up what it is that they’re learning in their guitar lessons in Tulsa. This is very important for multiple reasons. First of all, if a student doesn’t have the tangible document that goes along with the content of the lesson, then when they go home, the instructor is essentially requesting that the student would remember every single thing that they covered in the lesson, and that’s just not fair because anybody is to have a difficult time remembering an entire lesson, whether that’s 30 minutes or 45 minutes or even an hour.
Some of our students take two hour guitar lessons in Tulsa. We have had students that have taken two hour lessons, and if that is the case, then a lot of the students would have a difficult time remembering all of the content that is there during that lesson. If they don’t receive the documentation to back up what it is that they’re learning. All of these things are very important for your students and then going through visual analysis of what it is that they’re learning in the document is also supplement of of the content. So if you are looking for piano lessons in Tulsa, I recommend that you would fill out the form on our website and get scheduled because we would love to meet with you and just hear about what it is that you’re looking to accomplish and how we can help you to be the best guitar player you could ever be.