Guitar Lessons Tulsa | Patience with your Students
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
This is the Curtis Music Academy podcast topic number five and we are talking about having patience with your student. Having patience with your student is super important. Mega important, mega point important because without patience we begin to get ahead of ourselves and to frustrate a process. Our process, frustrate the student, frustrate the growth and then we don’t learn things well as as we should have learned them. So patience with your student is the topic of today and the points I’m going to be going over is how listening to understand we want to listen to understand growth and understanding growth is mostly sloth or slow growth is slow. Third Point, encourage. Don’t criticize. So in this fifth edition of the Curtis Music Academy podcast, we are talking about patience with your student during all of the guitar lessons Tulsa. Here we go. Listening to understand is the first point of this podcast.
The first point. So listening to understand why do we listen? He was my favorite. Favorite sayings is be quick to listen. Slow to speak, slow to become angry. James One 19 everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry. Listening requires that we take off our guard, pull our, put our guard down and open our ears, open our hearts, open our minds to what someone’s else’s perspective is. In the guitar lessons Tulsa, that begins to, is the first step to understanding their perspective, understanding what they’re trying to say, understanding where they’re coming from. And when you understand you can build proper knowledge because why knowledge is the structure and to start it all off, understanding is the foundation. Next knowledge is the structure and then wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. So we want to listen to understand and when we get good understanding we can then build the correct knowledge and acquire the right knowledge.
When it comes to our students, our friends, it’s our family. Anything, anyone. So we listened to understand, listening to understand it looks like this. My student is asking question and I’m not fiddling with my guitar while they are talking, I want to be actively participating in this thing called a conversation. And so I want to be not playing my guitar because I am losing one of the ways that I go about learning, which is physically, kinesthetically. So I want to involve my, I want to, I want them to give the student the undivided attention that they deserve because they’re paying for these guitar lessons Tulsa and coming to these lessons to learn from you. So we want to listen to understand and we want to first listen and understand what they’re saying and trying to say what they’re trying to get at. And then we can begin to help them troubleshoot their problem, fix their problem, um, see what they need help with, be patient with them.
Patience comes after understanding, we want to understand and then be patient with them through the process and help them achieve the goal by which they’re trying to achieve. Secondly, growth is mostly slow. Only when growth is fast is something typically wrong. Problems yield to principles, as my grandfather would say. And so if you’re having a problem with your student and, or you’re having a problem being patient, you should probably look at that and test yourself. And B, just try to be more patient, try to be more understanding in the guitar lessons Tulsa, try to be more just to slow down a little bit because you don’t want to rush the students progress to where they are there. They aren’t learning well enough or they’re picking up really fast and then they can’t do it a second time because they didn’t learn well. You want to go at the pace of no mistakes.
So grit growth is mostly slow and so you want to go at a slow enough pace to where they can properly learn and build the foundation of whatever they’re trying to work on. Whether that’s a scale, whether that’s a cord you want to do it slow and right almost as if you’re building a house, you know, because you want to lay the foundation and laying the foundation is typically the hardest part of anything. So you want to lay the foundation, which takes patience, which takes going at the pace of no mistakes. So for instance, if you’re teaching guitar lessons Tulsa with your student, and you begin introducing a scale, you want to go at a pace that is comfortable for them to where they’re not making a hundred mistakes throughout the whole scale. You want to go at a very slow pace and that requires patience with your student. So you want to go with the pace patient, no mistakes go slow enough to where they can accurately hit each note and a sequence which is helping them build their skill and is also, and what I love about guitar is that it’s also a body experience as much as it is a knowledge learning experience because you’re teaching your fingers how to play something.
You’re teaching your fingers. And what we have is muscle memory with muscles in our fingers and the better we in the slower we play something in the more accurate lead we play something the more we’ll our fingers will remember those, that repetitive position, that repetitive feeling, that repetitive motion. And so that will lock in the muscle memory. Therefore, growth is mostly slow, unfortunately, but slow and steady is what we want. Slow and steady, slow and right instead of fast and wrong. And then my third point of the day is encourage, don’t criticize. We want to encourage our students to growth. We want to encourage their growth. We don’t want to criticize them. So we want to encourage them in a way that is going to help them achieve the goal at hand. And so when you’ve prepared your guitar lessons Tulsa, when you’ve marked out the three step process or your three step method, your nuggets for what you want your student to accomplish at the end of the lesson, you want to, if they’re having issues to be patient with them, then the virtue of patience and to help them by giving them positive direction instead of saying, dude, you’re really sucking right now.
You’re sucking, you’re doing terrible. You’re not playing that right. words like, you’re not doing this, you’re not doing that are kind of negative and let downs. Instead you want to make them positive. You can do it. You’re going to get at this next time. Play that again. Keep it up, not down. You want to keep the conversation going upwards in an upwards direction, not in a downwards direction. Does that make sense? Good. You guys are awesome. And so today we’ve been talking about the topic patience with your student and how patience is a virtue that we will have to apply to just about all of the guitar lessons Tulsa that we ever have. All throughout the entire lesson, every aspect, being patient with the listening, being patient with the growth, being patient with the progress being patient as we’re encouraging that through this process through to success.
Success is at is is a relative term. Success does not just mean money, but success is setting a goal and accomplishing it as my dad always says, so we want to set the goal we want at the end of this lesson, what do we want them to accomplish by the end of this lesson? And it is your job to get them to that help them achieve success. And patience is one of the ways that we go about doing that guys. So what do we do? We want to develop a skill of listening in the guitar lessons Tulsa. Listening. Why do we listen? We listen to understand when we understand that we can build and acquire proper correct knowledge and we can apply that knowledge correctly, which is what we call wisdom. And then the second point, growth is mostly slow. You want to go at the pace of no mistakes.
As I always say, is my favorite. It is my philosophy. Um, we want to go with the pace of no mistakes because if we go at the pace of mistakes, we can’t even learn it properly. We can to screw up and we teach our fingers the wrong muscle memory, and that’s not what we want to do. We want to learn slowly that way we get it correct and then we can build speed. Little by little, by little by little. It’s like building the bricks of the house. Lastly, we encourage, we don’t criticize guys. Encouragement is the best motivator for guitar lessons Tulsa, not criticism as my, one of my favorite books, how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. Encouraging is better than criticizing and to get people to do what you want, to get your students to success. You’ll want to encourage them instead of criticizing.