Guitar Lessons Tulsa | Effectiveness of Lessons
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
In this edition of the Curtis music Academy podcast, we’re going to be talking about maximizing the effectiveness of your guitar lessons Tulsa. And without further ado, we’re going to be discussing in maximizing the effectiveness of your guitar lessons Tulsa, having a clear goal and a concise goal, the specific times set for each topic that you need to have and then using the edge method for your guitar lessons Tulsa and also what that means. So, without further ado, my name is Steven. I have been a musician for 12 years and I have loved and learned a lot through those 12 years. I have learned ways of playing guitar, you know, as far as different styles I’ve learned in my teaching of music, how to, you know, learn from different students and how to teach different students.
And it’s been a blast in the 12 years of, you know, musician ship. I’ve gotten to play for stages like American idol. I’ve also been able to play to various gigs, being coffee shops, bars, venues in the Oklahoma area. And I have had so much fun getting to show off my skill and my expertise in the area of guitar as much as I can. I’ve loved being able to also use the musical instrument, the guitar, to make money and become better at the instrument. So without further ado, we’re talking about maximizing the effectiveness of guitar lessons Tulsa. And for the first point I want to hit, it’s going to be about having a clear goal and a concise one. So goal setting one-on-one, if you don’t know where you’re going, it’s very, very likely that you won’t get there. However, the reverse is true.
If you do know where you’re going, it’s very likely that you will get there. But I want it to make us see, I want to make us for sure that we get there every single time. And so to do that, we must have a clear and concise goal. We have to have a clear goal. First. A clear goal is going to be a very easy to see, a very easy to understand goal. And it’s going to be something that is very obvious to the people around you. It’s very clear. It’s not, it’s not fuzzy. It’s not shallow, it’s not, you know, can kind see it. It’s a very clear picture of where it is that you’re going or a very clear vision and a very, precise description as, as, as to where you’re going. And so having a clear goal is very good, very important.
Having a concise, with precision is what that word means, with precision. And it’s important that we are very precise about what goal we are trying to achieve, that we understand what that goal will feel like when we achieve it, how we will feel when we achieve it. The things that, describe us being there already, the sound of the wind, you know, kind of the, the, the tangibles. Use your senses to create this concise and precise goal. All right, our second point is going to be talking about having specific times set for each topic. And so in this you want to definitely have specific times set for each topic in your lesson. Now this will vary depending on the, the amount of time you have set aside for your lesson. And some of you may have 30 minute guitar lessons Tulsa, some 45 and some even one hour long guitar lessons Tulsa. And so understanding kind of how to break that up a little bit is going to be important.
And there is one way that I choose to break up my 30 minutes, 45 minute and even hour long guitar lessons Tulsa. So let’s start with the 30 minute lesson. In the 30 minute lesson, I will spend five minutes, you know, building rapport, reviewing and revising what it is that we learned last time in our last lesson. And if this is your very first lesson with a student, then it is gonna be very important that you kind of in that first five minutes develop the rapport, which is really just developing trust with your student, being real, being honest, being real, as opposed to being fake, you know, be yourself. Second would be to review. You want to review any previous knowledge that they already have on the guitar or any, previous lesson materials or topics that you’ve gone over already and in previous lesson if they’re an older student, next would be revising.
You want to revise, you want to re revisit what points you’ve hit and you want to Polish anything that you have revised that needs to be addressed. So anything that need to be addressed whenever you’re reviewing as far as maybe they use the wrong finger when they were playing a scale. To play a certain specific note, whatever it is, you want to make sure that you really Polish up. And that revision area is really the where we do that. And so the end of that, so that’s your five minutes. The next five minutes, we’ll be revising actually. So I was wrong. So your first five minutes will be, you know, building rapport and reviewing with the student.
Now your, your next five minutes, we’ll be revising, making sure that you, you know, hit any points that need to be addressed where they maybe misunderstood what you meant on the last lesson on a particular topic or maybe they use the wrong finger and you’re trying to correct that. You don’t want to spend a ton of time on this, as, because you do need to get to the rest of the lesson. However, it’s important that you go over and correct anything that, any misunderstandings. All right. And then the next amount of time is going to be, it’s going to vary based on whether you have a 30, 45 or a one hour lesson.
And so if you have a 30 minute lesson, this next section is going to be, 15 minutes. If you’ve got a 45 minute lesson, this is going to be a 25 minute, piece. And then if you’ve got a 45 or an hour lesson, this is going to be a 45 minute section as well. And so, you’ve got 10 minutes at the beginning to review, to rebuild rapport, to review and to revise. And then, you’ve got 15 minutes for the 30 minute to go over any to any new material. Okay. And then at the very end, the very last piece of your lesson, you’re going to go over, you’re going to wrap it up five minutes early.
Okay? So if this is a 30 minute lesson you’re at, you know, 10, then you’ve got 25 minutes and then you’ve got the last five minutes to kind of wrap it up, you know, begin talking about what they can work on at home and then you want them to show you what they’re going to work on at home by demonstrating what they will do at home. Okay. And then kind of, if you’ve got, you know, a few minutes left, go into what we’re going to be talking about for the next lesson, for the next week. All right. Lastly, I wanted to discuss the edge method. Using the edge method is going to be very huge in your transfer of skill to your new student. The edge method comes from the boy Scouts.
And the edge method is an acronym, edge, which is representing and explaining, these four words. Edge is an acronym for explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable. Again, that was edge is an acronym for explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable. And this is really where, what it comes down to, the method that you must use in order to transfer skill to a student. Really to any, any type of skill that you’re trying to use. Whether that’s you’re an apprentice trying to learn how to woodwork, whether you’re a basketball player, I’m trying to teach another, sportsman how to shoot. And so, that is the method to use. So we’ve talked about maximizing the effectiveness of guitar lessons Tulsa. There you go.