Guitar Lessons Tulsa | Beginner Guitar Lessons
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
So I just talked a lot in my last podcast about what we will teach you in your first few months of beginner piano lessons. And it’s really important to kind of outline those things so that you know what to expect. I think that coming into guitar lessons Tulsa , whether they be music lessons, piano lessons, vocal lessons, or guitar lessons Tulsa, I think it’s really important that you know what to expect because it’s often overwhelming, especially if you don’t have any musical background whatsoever. It can get a little bit daunting at times. So we want to make sure that we set you up for success. So now I would like to talk about what the first few months of guitar lessons Tulsa will look like. And just the same with piano. We have a sort of guitar curriculum that we use for all of our beginning students. That being said though, that curriculum is not limiting.
So we don’t exclusively use that in that only we like to mix it up and we’ve recognized that all of our students have different needs, different desires, and different goals. So I’m gonna make sure that we help you reach those goals through this curriculum. So that being said, it is incredibly flexible and we want to make sure that we can tailor it to every single student’s needs. So there are a couple of key goals that you want to hit when taking guitar lessons Tulsa, couple of goals that we are going to hit, but they can vary from song to song from John WRA. And we want to just make sure that we’re tailoring them to each of your individual goals to set you up for your own personal successes.
So some of the first few things that you’ll learn in taking guitar lessons Tulsa, you might see this coming, but one of the first things you’re going to learn at Curtis music academy is the anatomy of the guitar. So we have a couple of documents that we’ve been recently to kind of outline this anatomy. So I’m looking at one of the documents right now. And for starters, the, one of the first things you want to know about the guitar is the difference in the body, the neck and the headstock and the body. As I say, the main base of the guitar, the one that you think of when you think of our guitar big, the biggest part and then you’ve got the neck, which is also what you’d probably imagine it is the skinny part of the guitar with the strings on it and the head stuck and that would be the thing with the tuning pegs on.
It says that Min brand is the guitar typically, so we want to grow with the anatomy of the Qatar. That way a student will know all of the the vernacular in the terms that are needed and will be used frequently throughout the guitar lessons to just doesn’t. The Piano lessons, there are a couple of fundamental things that you need to know before taking guitar lessons Tulsa and first thing is the anatomy of the chart. That way you can recognize the terminology and know how to put your hands, where the instructor says put them. The next thing you’ll need to learn when taking guitar lessons is how to hold the guitar.
This is a really big one and most people do not know how to hold a guitar properly because they haven’t been taught and so we want to make sure that we teach you exactly how to hold the guitar and that way we can set you up for success in playing, make sure that you’re holding appropriately. The next thing that you’re going to learn is the names of the strengths, so just as we teach you the names of the notes on the piano, writing from a, B, c, d, e, f, g, same thing applies to the guitar and we want to make sure that we teach you the names of all the strengths and then the front and the frets are a little different than the strings and that they run in the opposite direction up and down on the neck of the guitar.
But we want to teach you exactly which ones are which. That way when your instructor says, put your finger on the third fret on the third string, you’ll know exactly where that is. It’s just one of the fundamental things that you need to know before playing the guitar. Being able to play successfully. So then we’re going to talk about the open notes on each strength and open notes are going to be the notes that where you don’t have to put your fingers down person down onto all of the strengths, but rather just play with it, open, nothing touching it. It’s a little bit boring but really essential to learn in the guitar.
Then you’re going to learn, now that you’ve learned all of those other things, learning how to hold it properly, you’re going to learn how to place your fingers on the strings and this one is the hardest part for most beginner guitar students because it does not feel good at the piano. It’s not hard to play. It’s not hard to put your fingers where they belong, but on the guitar you have to press down on the strings and it hurts a little bit, especially in the first couple of months of playing, especially if you play, the more you play, the more it will hurt, but then you’ll build up calluses and you’ll build up a tolerance to it and it will not hurt anymore.
But I know that when you first begin playing a guitar, putting your fingers on the strings and placing them properly as one of the hardest things that you can do if only because of the pain itself. So again, just like in piano and we’re learning all the individual notes on this change how to read music, we’re going to show you in a beginner guitar lesson, understanding the musical alphabet and how important that is to learning the guitar. The next thing would be understanding octaves and how important those are. So the difference in the octaves and how to differentiate between them. One of the big things in learning guitar that is really critical to success in the future when applying the guitar.
So while this curriculum seems a little bit strict, just like the piano curriculum, it’s actually a very flexible and that our instructors can use their discretion based on what the student knows and they can help them set up a specific practice success for that individual student. We want to make sure that our lessons, that none of them are alike, that we’re switching things up every time and making sure that we’re doing what’s best for the student. So we have a lot of students who might not be visual learners or auditory learners, but we have to teach them in a different way.
That’s something that we really do well here at Curtis Music Academy is tailoring these lessons to meet everyone’s criteria, making sure that our curriculum is not too strict, but strict enough to make sure that we get all of the goals and the student needs to hit because there’s one thing to teach the student and teach it on their own schedule and to their goals, but we also need to make sure that we are providing them with all the necessary features and facets of music and all the things that they need to know so that they can play it in the future with or without us as instructors. So that these are just a few of the things that you’re going to learn if you take a plugin or a guitar lesson here at Curtis Music Academy.