Guitar Lessons Tulsa | Anyone Can Play Guitar
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
In this topic of the Curtis music Academy podcast. I’m going to be discussing how anyone can learn to play guitar, how anyone can learn pretty much anything by applying principles and principles are the eradication of problems. Alright? So anyone can learn to play guitar. As a guitar teacher, I’ve taught many students in the last five years on how to play guitar at guitar lessons Tulsa. And in my experience as a guitar player myself, I’ve played for 12 years, nearly really 11 years, coming on 12 years now. And I’ve learned a lot of principles to learning things, a lot of tips that will help you and me learn better at guitar lessons Tulsaand will help anyone learn better.
Therefore, it is a principle. And so first, what is a principal? You know, a principle is a universal element that applies to everyone at all times, anywhere. The care that there’s three characteristics to a principle. One, a principle is universal. It can be used anywhere by anyone at any time. The second characteristic is that it is perpetual. It will be the same for great-grandma. It’ll be the same for grandma. It’ll be the same for my mom. It will be the same for me. It’s the same for my dads. Same for my children, my children’s children, right?
And so it’s perpetual. And then thirdly, it can be applied to a process or a procedure and work. You know, an example of a principle would be the principle of let’s say sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping. That’s a principle. That’s a really the law. So I’ll use a different principle. Let’s use the principle of consistency. Diligence. So diligence in guitar lessons Tulsa. Diligent hands, make a man wealthy, you know, diligence is the, as a applied effort over time, consistent effort over time. And so that’s what diligence is. You want to be diligent over a long period of time because the more diligent you are, the better your circumstance can be.
Whatever you’re working with, whatever you’re doing, whatever you’re trying to grow will grow. And so that’s just one example. A principal so anyone can learn to play guitar. And the reason I say that is because anyone can learn the guitar. It’s not an inherent talent that you’re just born into life with. It’s not a gift given by God that only a few people have. It is a skill that anyone can learn. Skills are principle-based and if you learn the certain skill, you can teach the certain skill. If you learn the principles right, you can teach the principles.
So I would say that for me, guitar is not something that only I can pick up and that I’m able to do the, I know many people who are not talented by the way, who are not musically gifted, who are not musically inclined, who know how to play guitar some better than I do through guitar lessons Tulsa. Why is this? Well, it all comes down and melts down to the principles. If you can learn that the body has to do repeated motions to develop muscle memory, the fingers, if they do the same motions every single time, the exact same way, we will create what we call muscle memory.
And so it’s important to know and it’s very applicable to guitar guitar. You know, you pick up the guitar and you have to strum strings with your fingers. It’s a very physical, physically involved instrument and is also a theological instrument. Or a a, there’s knowledge that needs, needs to be known to be able to play this well, right? So there’s knowledge and there’s the application of knowledge. So you have the knowledge, which is for instance how a cord is constructed, right? But you don’t have to know how the, why the is constructed the way it is to be able to play it. So that just shared shows you that shows you that anyone can just jump in and do it. But there’s another side, there’s another side of that coin, there’s the doing it and then there’s the knowledge of how and why.
So that’s really what guitar is broken up into. And once you understand that, then you can begin to kind of just go into depth and begin breaking down each part. We need to understand a few things. First though. Now when it comes to the physical side of the tar, you never want to have tension. You want to eliminate as much tension in your body and as in your fingers, in your hands and your shoulders and your arms as possible. And tension will cause it cause you to have difficulty later on when you try to play quicker or faster. If you’re super uptight, it’s hard to be limber. It’s hard to be, it’s hard to flow, it’s hard to move smoothly.
And so you want to be in a relaxed state. So no tension. You want to play correctly the first time you want to play, do you do it right the first time, in guitar lessons Tulsa. So you want to and the re that really the reason why we want to play it right the first time is because our fingers, we want to be intention, attention, pay attention and be intentional with what we’re planning. If we’re intentional and are paying attention, we can focus. And that’s called focus. And we can be intentional with what we want to remember, what we want our fingers to remember and what we need to repeat over and over and over again correctly.
And so for instance, if you’re playing a scale, you want to make sure that you’re your finger, that you’re going to begin with. Your root note is started with the correct finger and then followed by the pinky, which is theN , which is the next finger on the G major scale, right? It starts off on the root note with your middle finger and then you want to go to followed by your pinky. And then on the next string down you’ll have your pointer finger, middle finger, pinky, and then so on, so forth. But if I tried to go too fast or I tried to jump the gun, or I just tried to rush through it, I would never correctly learn and my body would not retain my fingers, would not retain the right information, it would retain the wrong information,
Which is two, which is later on can become a very big problem. And one of the reasons why people don’t actually progress and their guitar playing. So all that to say we want to be, we’ll want to pay attention and be intentional with our plane on the physical side of the coin when it comes to guitar. And the key principle with the physical side is to learn at the pace of zero mistakes. Now let’s get to the knowledge side, the knowledge side. There’s lots to learn, but you want to learn in steps, right? You want to start with fundamental and you want to master fundamental. You want to go next to more intermediate and then master the intermediate.
And then you want to learn more of advanced topics. And then you want to master those advanced topics. But we must consider the source. We must make sure that the building blocks are correctly placed and correctly built. And we’ve taken the time to let that knowledge solidify. You know, why would you build a foundation and then quickly start building the framework? No, you have to let the foundation dry. You have to let the foundation solidify. And so you’ve got to, you don’t want to learn things too fast because it’ll get messy. So you want to learn the fundamentals first and you really want to master those. Mastery is the solidification of knowledge. And so after you’ve mastered the fundamentals, then you’ll move on and to intermediate things and then let that solidify and then move on to, more advanced topics or detailed more maybe complex topics. This will help you as an instructor.