Piano Lessons in Tulsa | Having Confidence

This content was created for Curtis Music Academy


In this edition of the Curtis music Academy podcast, I am going to be discussing how important it is to be confident and to have confidence when performing, especially in piano lessons in Tulsa. My name is Steven. I am a guitar instructor at the Curtis music Academy. I love what I do. I’ve loved every minute of my teaching career, which has been, from 18 to 23. So five years going on six years now. And I’ve loved every minute of it. It’s been a joy. It’s been a lots of fun and I have the best. I feel like I have the best job in the world. And so I get to make people feel better about themselves, learn an instrument that I’m actually good at and have fun. So without further ado, we’re talking about confidence when performing. Confidence.


 Confidence begins with competence. When you’re competent, you can be confident, to become competent, you have to practice. So the practice, you wanna make sure you’re practicing the right things and not the wrong things. Why? Because practice doesn’t just make perfect only perfect practice does perfect practice is the only thing that makes perfect, right? If you have terrible practice, it’ll, you’ll become a, it’s terrible practice at piano lessons in Tulsa. It become terrible, more better at being terrible, right? But we want to practice perfectly. So we want to have perfect practice and also quality practice, which will help you become competent as a guitar player, as a performer, practicing the right things will help you do the right things when it comes to performing. 


So you want to be very, very intentional about repeating the, the right things so that you become confident in that thing that you’re doing or become competent first. And your competence, your confidence is a byproduct of your competence. When you’re good at something, you become confident Y that you can do that thing right in piano lessons in Tulsa. I mean, if you’re a very competent driver, you feel confident that you can do pretty much anything. You can drive anyone around. Some of the most competent drivers probably feel they could drive the president around, which is probably a scary thing, but scared. It means that you’re unprepared. Scared is unprepared, nervous is good, scared is not good. Scared means that you’re unprepared. 


Nervous means that you’re, you know, you’re, you’ve, you feel prepared. But nervous is healthy nerves means that we actually take what we’re doing. Seriously. We’re scared. We didn’t take it seriously enough. Right? So confidence when we’re performing, it’s important to be confident because that tells people that you know what you’re doing, period. And when you’re confident, when performing, you never know who you’re actually creating confidence in or you never know who you’re inspiring. I think it’s a better way to put it. You never know who your who you’re being a role model for. That’s why it’s important. Why? Because excellence honors God and inspires people. 


When you’re good at what you do, then you’re confident at what you do. When you’re confident with what you’re doing, then you can, you can perform better. So I think really the key to being confident is the key is to be confident or to be competent. To be competent, you must first practice the right things, especially in piano lessons in Tulsa. You have to practice consciously con right consciousness. You have to practice the right things with awareness, the right things with intention and attention. And so, you know, many times in my experience where I’ve performed many times I’ve gotten to perform in church, I’ve gotten to perform churches, I’ve gotten to perform in different States, in the, in the U S at churches on TV, live streaming. I’ve gotten to do American idol, you know, which was a very nerve racking performance. But I was confident. Why?


 Because I practiced. I did do well. I did well because I practiced, I practiced a lot. It takes that to be confident and I think the greater the platform, the more confident you might need to be in piano lessons in Tulsa. And you’re playing ability, which means that you need to practice five times, 10 times what you normally would practice at piano lessons in Tulsa. The bigger the venue, the bigger the opportunity, the more work I think it’ll take. So, you know, in my own experience, there have been many times where as, let’s take a church, you know, worship teams, for instance, there were many Sundays where I did not practice and I tried what we call it. I tried to wing it, which is trying to perform without any practice whatsoever of what you’re actually going to be playing. 


That’s trying to wing it and I tried to wing it and I got really nervous and I started actually got scared actually to the point because I was like unprepared. I didn’t know what I was going to be playing. I just kind of did it. It caused frustration not only with myself, I had frustration with myself, but other other band members got frustrated with me because they, I was kinda going everywhere and singing the song and then saying, Oh, change your plans. Let’s do this song instead. What chords are they? People that know that sounded bad. It just was a, it was a train wreck. It was horrible. Heinous. It was terrible. It’s not pleasing to the year. It was not good. It wasn’t helpful for just about anyone involved. And that was because I failed to prepare.


 Preparation is a principle and when you apply that principle of preparation and also practice, which is required to be competent, then you can become confident and say, have success, you know, success. This, this idea of success keeps coming up. You know, if you’re confident performing, then you’re, you’re succeeding. Success just means that you’ve set a goal and you’ve achieved it. Smaller, big goal. It doesn’t matter. You’ve set a goal of mini goal, a tiny goal, a short goal, and you achieved it in piano lessons in Tulsa. That is what success is. So I think success is more about the little wins than it is. 


The big wins says more about the little wins than it does the big wins. Everyone may see the big win, but the real fruit, the real gold, the real value is in the little wins. And it takes little wins to make big wins. And it typically is all take place in the mind. But we’re talking about confidence here. So in my own experience, there were many occasions at church, you know, like I just described, where I didn’t practice, I didn’t prepare. And when it came time to perform, I wasn’t very confident. And people let me know afterwards, my pastor let me know, my accountability partners, let me know, Hey man, you looked kind of nervous and very scared up there. You look nervous and, and unprepared. You look to timid. You didn’t, you seem shy. You know, you didn’t look, you know, confident. And so it’s hard to have confidence without competence. 


It’s hard to have competence without practice and rehearsal in piano lessons in Tulsa. It’s hard to have rehearsal if you don’t have a goal to be good, right? You don’t know what you’re aiming at. So, and then you know, some other examples of when I’ve done well, you know, when, whenever I started to practice and understand that rehearsing, it’s okay to rehearse. It’s okay to practice. It’s okay to get good at home first and then get good in front of it and then show your good in front of people. It’s okay to do that. When I started becoming a moral K with, Hey you patients, it requires patients to practice, you know? Then I quickly began to get way better at being on larger platforms. Then I got to do American idol and I practiced and practice and practice and I passed the first two rounds and then third round I was cut, but I did extremely well. And so that is my advice for being confident with less.