Piano Lessons in Tulsa | Piano Exercises
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
Providing piano lessons in Tulsa is a huge compliment to many different things that someone could differentiate and figure out the way that they do things throughout the course of learning a new hobby or activity and piano lessons in Tulsa are one of those things that can certainly take a wild to feel like you are able to understand and get around the instrument, but some students really dive in and learn the instrument quickly and it’s just a testament for their hard work and their longevity in the course of learning the instrument and some students tend to be longer lasting than others and it just depends on what it is that the student is looking to achieve and what it is that they enjoy playing.
As a instructor it is very important to understand what it is that your student wants to learn and make sure that you can accommodate that type of instruction throughout the course of teaching them. If that student is playing a bunch of songs that they don’t enjoy playing, they probably won’t take piano lessons in Tulsa for very long, but if you’re able to find songs that they do enjoy, even if it is a little bit of a challenge or perhaps a little bit easy, they will stick with you longer simply because it’s enjoyable to practice it regardless of the content.
If you are thinking about taking lessons, then I would encourage you to look around and do a quick Google search of who you could find and who you think would be the best fit for you as a student. If you are in the Tulsa area and you do a Google search, you will find over 135 star reviews, which is what helps us to stand out. And if you do not live in Tulsa, then search in your area, piano lessons in Tulsa and you will find that some people stand out more than others and figure out what it is that these instructors and these music schools are doing differently than the other ones to see if it’s a good fit and likely you will find the best option for you as a student.
Now, if you are a student currently and you’re taking lessons and you are learning at a very good rate, I would have you asked yourself, what is it about my instructor that makes this instructor so good? What are they doing that causes them to help me understand different concepts for a very easy to reach way? These are the things that you should ask yourself regardless of whether you’ve been taking piano lessons in Tulsa for a year, five years, or five days. Because we always want to be evaluating our instructors and depending on the humble ness of your instructor, they may be very interested in hearing your feedback as a student on ways that they could improve or do better. And that’s always a great thing to be interested in. So take notes and help your instructors help you by giving them feedback and ways that they could improve to make sure that you are being taught the most effective and efficient way possible. One thing that we like to incorporate in our piano lessons in Tulsa is different techniques and exercises for our piano students.
That way whenever it is that the student is having trouble exercising their fingers or doing whatever techniques, the exercises will help them to maneuver through the different categories of concepts and help them have finger strength and all sorts of good, awesome things. And these exercises typically come through a few different ways. The first and most important exercise for your knowledge is the major scales.
And if you are able to memorize all 12 major scales, it will help you tremendously to be a next level musician. And a lot of musicians that are really good do not put in the effort to go to the next step by learning all 12 major scales. And this is a huge hindrance to their success moving forward because they are limited and stuck with where they are at. So all of our students will eventually through the pathway that they have long for, they will eventually learn all 12 major scales.
And another thing that we will include are the natural minor scales, which are the equivalent gay signature to a major scale that is three half steps above. So for instance, a natural minor, if you go up to three half steps from a, that is the equivalent key signature to c major. And so the natural minors are actually very easy to learn. You basically just play the major scale starting and ending on the sixth note of this major scale. That’s how you can kind of identify natural minor scales. And if you are reading this and you are having a very difficult time following along with the differences between major scales and natural minor scales.
Then do yourself a favor and fill out the form on our website for a $1 music lesson and in less than 30 minutes on that very first lesson we will easily help you understand the difference between major and natural minor scales and what it is that is going on there and you will have your mind blown how awesome piano lessons in Tulsa can be.
Back on the train of thought of Scales and exercises. Another minor scale that we will introduce to you is the harmonic minor scale. Now as you are reading this, it may be very difficult for you to follow along and track along. But the cool thing about it is in the previous paragraph I had talked about how a major scale and a natural minor are related. And now what we can do is take that natural minor and help us to figure out the harmonic minor. And the only difference between a natural minor and a harmonic minor is that the final note in a natural minor scale is a whole step away from the original and starting note of the scale. So for instance, let’s say we’re in the key of a natural minor.
The seventh note in the natural minor would be g, which is a whole step away from A, so from the seventh note it is going to the eighth note, which is essentially the first note because a scale starts and ends on the same note. So the eighth note is a whole step away from the seventh note, but a harmonic minor scale actually raises that seventh note from the natural minor. And this causes a half step between the seventh note and the eighth note, which is the beginning.
And so all of these scales are very, very related to each other. And you can see pretty easily through the course of taking lessons and having us explain it to our students, that minor scales and major scales are very easy to understand and to move forward with those throughout the course of taking lessons. There may be many different things that throw you off and cause you to want to pull out your hair. But the great thing is if you have a great instructor, if you have a great team behind you that provides you with plenty of resources for you to understand the content in the easiest possible way, then you will be successful as a musician. And you will love taking piano lessons in Tulsa.