Piano Lessons in Tulsa | Why Studio Cleanliness is Important
This content was created for Curtis Music Academy
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Curtis Music Academy podcast. I hope you are all having or had an amazing day and are doing well. Today I wanted to talk about the importance of having a clean studio space for our students to take piano lessons in Tulsa. Obviously this is now an issue of paramount concern for all students, parents, and instructors given the current public health crisis, but here at Curtis Music Academy, maintaining standards of cleanliness both in terms of sanitation and disinfection but also even just in organization and keeping the studio free from clutter, has always been near the top of our priority list.
First, I wanted to speak to the more sanitation-focused aspect of cleanliness. Due to the recent COVID-19 situation, we have enforced very strict procedures for all of our piano lessons in Tulsa that are currently taking place in the studio (a large number of our students still feel more comfortable taking their lessons online, and of course we are willing to cater to that desire for as long as it exists). Every person who comes in to Curtis Music Academy is greeted with hand sanitizer (employees also use it when arriving), and before each student’s lesson, either one of the instructors or the administrative assistant here at Curtis Music Academy disinfects the common areas such as the entryway, lobby, stairwell, and meeting room with Lysol.
Instructors are also tasked with disinfecting their instruments (whether that be the piano, guitar, or something else) and other equipment like music stands. All of the instructors also have their own individual masks. However, even before the public health crisis, Curtis Music Academy maintained an incredibly clean studio space, regularly cleaning the floors, furniture, instruments, really the whole studio top to bottom. This is important both from a health standpoint and an aesthetic one. As a music school with several instructors who all have multiple students, there is a lot of foot traffic coming through the studio each and every day. So, to avoid spreading germs among our community of students and staff, it has always been important to us to have the studio clean and ready for each student’s piano lessons in Tulsa arrival.
Keeping a clean and sanitized studio space makes Curtis Music Academy more accessible to everyone. I hope it is clear that being a clean environment is important to Curtis Music Academy because we want to do whatever we can to make our piano lessons in Tulsa fun and accessible to everyone. And maintaining standards of cleanliness is something that hurts no one and has the potential to help almost everyone, so that makes the decision fairly obvious. Now, to speak to the less sanitation-related aspect of cleanliness and more to the idea of organization and being an aesthetically pleasing studio space. Obviously, complete organization in an area with such a high volume of people coming in and going out each day, and so many of them being young children.
But we do attempt to keep as high as possible of a level of organization and freedom from clutter. For example, in the lobby and meeting room we always keep a selection of magazines on hand for parents or other caretakers who are waiting for their kiddo’s piano lessons in Tulsa to finish, but we also try to make sure those magazines are organized and laid out in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, and that we swap out the old or worn ones. Cultivating a clean and organized looking studio space is important for many reasons. For starters, if things are organized, it actually improves the overall flow of operations at the studio, as instructors are able to find and collect the books, sheet music, and any other materials they may need quickly and efficiently.
Having an organized studio space can also reduce stress on the instructors, as having a cluttered working environment can cause anxiety and unhappiness. And when our instructors are happier and more comfortable, all of our students will be getting better piano lessons in Tulsa all the way around. Studio cleanliness can also be important in deciding the attitudes parents or even students hold about Curtis Music Academy. There are lots of locations people could choose to take their music lessons, and while we here at Curtis Music Academy do believe our instructors, our objectives, and our methods set us apart, those people who haven’t been taking piano lessons in Tulsa with us can’t conclude that yet, and must find some other metric by which to judge and compare. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the physical appearance of the studio may play a large part in forming someone’s initial perception, and this is important because the initial impression is the opinion that is formed the quickest and is also the hardest to change.
For example, if a parent comes in for their child’s first $1 lesson, and they see books and music scattered everywhere, beverage cups left around, and dust on the furniture, they will most likely be concerned that Curtis Music Academy is going to treat their child learning and their child in general with the same lack of respect and care that the studio is being shown. We believe that each student is unique and important, and we are genuinely thrilled that they are coming to us for their lessons, but we need to express that physically to each student and their family, both in our interactions with them, and with how we prepare for their arrival.
This is one of the reasons that all of our instructors and staff are required to wear business casual attire anytime they are at the studio to teach piano lessons in Tulsa, attend meetings, or complete any other functions of their jobs as Curtis Music Academy instructors. That is a quick look at both how we keep our studio clean and prepared for your arrival, and why we believe it is such an important topic to discuss. Thank you so much for joining me on this episode of the Curtis Music Academy podcast, and I will see you at the next episode.